Ala Moana Beach Park
Ala Moana Beach Park is on O`ahu's Southern Shore. It is a very popular beach park for family outings, swimming, sunbathing, surfing and organized events.
This VR centers you right on the main beach and close to the showers and rest rooms.
Should you ever visit and decide to do some sunbathing, please remember that our UV exposure here is much higher than where you come from. Being so near the equator, unprotected visitor skin can become painfully burnt in 20-30 minutes - be careful!
This VR was shot with a 35 mm camera and a 24 mm lens.
Ala Moana is pronounced Ah-la Moe-on-ah.
All Quicktime VR's on these pages were shot & produced right here in Hawai`i and are copyright 1996 Hot Spots Hawai`i & Abbett VR Services